Friday, April 5, 2013

Eight Weeks On

Visiting my Surgeon

Two months after surgery and it is time to visit Dr. Dive. First a round of x-rays of the hip to see what has transpired. I get to see the x-rays and they look like the ones you see in textbooks or on the web as examples how things should look after the operation.
Then the consultation.

“Looking very good. How do you feel?
Now, let me see you walk without the cane.
Time to stop using the raised seats, but keep the 90 degree hip precautions!”

I have a question: “My hamstring on the right side still knot up. Is there anything that I should be doing beyond the exercises from physio, swimming, and walking?”

He checks the leg, smiles and says. “It will just take some ‘Tincture of Time’.”
I nod with a smile on my face. I am good with time and its passage.

His final comment was, “You are a poster girl for the procedure.”

All this is a relief as I had been concerned that the new joint and my old bones were going to get along. It appears that they have made friends and bonded.

Re Habilitation

Habilitation (from Latin habilis "fit, proper, skillfull") has many meanings, including: To impart an ability or capacity to. So now I am in the process of learning how to do again, that which I used to be able to do: Turning; Bending; and Walking.
The leg hip and back muscles are all very weak after a year (and more) of either limited activity or improper activity trying to compensate for the deteriorating hip. It is amazing how much my lower back aches just standing in one place.

Muscles that were Cut 

These are still trying to come back together. Now, it is not ants, but rather the ripply feeling of slightly larger critters moving around in there. Still, it is a little better every day.
I am so impatient!

Exercise Program

Lot of stretching, turning, bending (all while keeping the 90 degree hip precautions. Careful lifting and digging the garden is all part of this program. I now take a timer out with me and limited how long I can be doing this – 13 minutes activity, 4 resting, 13 minutes activity, take a half hour break.


How far and how many steps are the questions each and every day. My stride is getting longer, so the same number of steps inches up the distance. I am pushing on the steps, but still trying not to overdo it. Currently, I can do around 5000 steps (a couple of kilometres) over the course of a day. This leaves me very tired but still functional.

The Wall

There is a point at which doing about a kilometre at a time, my lower back just ‘locks up’. Nothing I did seemed to be helping. Time to get back to my physiotherapist for a session and some advice.
He said, “More stretching and some deep massage for your hamstring muscles.” Okay, that hurts so it must be helping. Actually, the stretching helps a lot and easing the hamstrings is making it easier to walk as well. 
More small adjustments.

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