Friday, March 29, 2013

Second Month Recovery

Shorter Posts

I am in the slogging stage of recovery now. My full time job is to get better and more mobile. It takes up all my time and energy, but will be worth it in the end. This covers my activities up to the end of week seven, post-surgery.

On Overdoing the Recovery

I do really want to be well again. So, I sometimes just run (walk, lurch) with the endorphins that come with exercising and then I have a tendency to do too much. This leads to a day (or more) of increased pain and decreased mobility. L
So, I am trying to count or time my movements so that I don’t do this. Still, my natural enthusiasm does whisper in my ear, “Sure you can do another 10 minutes.” And it is really hard not to agree. And when I do, I pay.
I am currently trying not to overdo it with swimming, and now with stationary bicycling. The latest step up sees me in the fitness centre on the days between swims. Again it is easy to get into a groove and keep going. The cycling is working my leg muscles, my knees and my glutes.


The weeds are being removed and the ground is being uncovered. Any extra energy after exercising has been spent here. The uneven ground is actually a very good exercise for my legs and balance, so it really is a win, win…and I get food!


This is harder than I would have ever imagined!
All the exercising that I have done just barely gets me up to the level where I can start to walk any distance at all. A single block is tough the first time, but after recovering, then it is to try two, three blocks. After a week, I can just barely do eight blocks and I am exhausted. It takes the rest of the day to recover.

Getting Ready to Drive

Off the Opioids for the last week. Can move my leg easily through the range of movements that I need. Reflexes are good.
First trip out is just a short one to pick up some more acetaminophen, It went well, and I can now get myself to swimming and the fitness centre. Nice to be independent again.

Current Pain Management

The acetaminophen is doing the job as far as pain in concerned. However, I am now taking Lyrica for the nerves that are screaming at me. This is not Pain pain, it is more like extreme irritation with lots of signals that something is not ok. The nerve meds help quiet them down at night so that I can sleep.

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