Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Staples Be Gone

Staple Removal!

I’ve been home for a week and it is now 10 days after surgery; my leg is getting seriously itchy under the dressings. I have an appointment to get the staples out in the afternoon. A simple procedure, really. It took very little time and pain as Dr. Lee removed the 30+ staples that have been holding my incision wound together. She pronounced that it should leave very little scar by the time everything is healed. A few applications of Polysporin for good luck and I am on the way to being whole again.

Pain Management – II

Large holes in your leg really do require more drugs than I had imagined. When you can’t sleep at night and can’t find a comfortable spot during the day, it is finally drilling into my thick skull that I still need the some pain relief. Over the counter Tylenol is not quite enough and I am cut off the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the danger of internal bleeding, blood clots and the attendant consequences if they move around in my body. When I had the staples out I also got a new prescription so that I can start stepping down from the opioids when I need them less. That will be a welcome relief. I do not like the clouding and physical side effects that they bring. It will still be awhile before I can get back to ‘normal’.


I am slow but steady when it comes to going up and down stairs. I need to do this a couple times a day to get from my bedroom to the living room and kitchen. Each trip is easier, but I still need my walker to get around on the floor that I am inhabiting. I am concentrating on walking as straight as possible, speed be damned at this point.

Using a cane

I am taking a few steps now, indoors only, on the side opposite the new hip. The cane has a history as it was owned and used by my Father in Law (gone now). It is a marvelous piece of natural wood that has been steamed and bent. It is very light and strong. Quite suitable as an assistant.

More Naps

My sleep patterns have changed a bit with the surgery. I never get into a really deep sleep as I am always a bit uncomfortable. Still, I seem to be getting what I need for the time being. Lots o catnaps seems to smooth my resting out.

First Shopping Trip

A sunny Saturday and I really want to get outside. With the dogs loaded in the vehicle, it is off grocery shopping. I concentrate on a parking spot and one is waiting for us right in front of our regular green grocer (Norman’s) on The Drive. It feels good to be leaning over the produce and discussing what will go well for this week’s menu. Vegetable bought, and I am ready to be sitting again. In fact, by the time I make it up the back steps at home, I am ready for another nap.

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